


Queen’s Leadership, Excellence and Development Conference (QLEAD) was established in 2001 and has attracted aspiring grade eleven and twelve students from across Canada to attend a professional, leadership-themed, business conference held at Queen’s University.
Every November, a group of Canada’s most inspiring and dedicated high school students are exclusively selected to attend this prestigious conference. For most delegates, the conference is their first exposure to the business world, and they are all extremely excited and interested to meet and network with professionals. Corporate partners will leave a lasting and unique impression on the delegates that will remain with them for years to come.
QLEAD has built a strong alumni network, for past delegates to remain connected after their experience at QLEAD. The network is fostered through new events and active communication between everyone who has been involved in QLEAD. This thriving alumni network will extend the reach of your company to proven leaders and established members of the Queen’s Community.
A partnership with QLEAD 2024 is an opportunity to create lasting relationships with the QLEAD family, full of aspiring young leaders who will remain interested in your company for years to come.
Sponsors Team
To find out more about the conference, the application process in October, or events, contact a member of the sponsors team or at information@qleadoffical.com. We'd be happy to help!